Fully Guided Trophy Deer Hunts
Trophy whitetail deer! This is a unique trophy deer area that is situated between Lake of the Woods and Rainy River. With mixed agriculture, timber, extensive food plots, and a season that coincides with pre-rut and rut, this area has everything that Western Canada has to offer. Due to light hunting pressure these whitetails live to be trophy age (5-7 years old) and become huge bodied with large racks. The only way a buck can become a Booner is living to maturity in an area that provides great cover, lots of feed, and light hunting pressure. The Rainy River district has it all.
Border Country Outfitters has added 30 brand new Stump blinds, giving the hunter a safe and comfortable experience while waiting for one of those big old Ontario whitetails!

Archery Whitetail Hunting
Archery hunts run during the month of October. They are six day hunts for mature whitetails that are still on their summer feeding patterns. This allows the hunter to target these monsters while they are still on a predictable routine.
Encounters are at close range from ladder, tower, ground blind or clamp on tree stands. Your hunting day begins before dawn with a light breakfast and then you will be taken out to intercept your quarry as they head back to their bedding sites from their feeding activities. The morning wraps up with pick up and a mid day lunch. The afternoon will proceed by again taking stand in an ambush strategically located between the deer’s bedding sites and their afternoon feeding locations.
Available October
6-day Archery Deer Hunt – $2,599 USD
(HST 13%)
Guests are responsible for:
Waking up early, eating a big breakfast and being ready for your guide to take you to your stand. Shoot straight and tell big stories back at camp!
Rifle Whitetail Hunting
This area is home to whitetail bucks that will often weigh in excess of 300 pounds. Success rates are good with opportunities every season for B & C class deer. With thousands of acres of wooded and swampy areas, the region is known for large bodied and large antlered deer. The hunts are conducted in permanent enclosed stands, tower stands, roofed ground blinds and portable stands on active scrape lines. Hunters are encouraged to grunt and rattle for big bucks. Rifle hunting starts after the Saturday following the 26th of October each year. Bring your warm gear and be prepared for big adventure and we’ll do everything we can to put you in front of your next trophy whitetail.
Rifle hunting starts after the Saturday following the 26th of October each year ending November 15th.
6-day Rifle Deer Hunt – $3,900 USD
(HST 13%)
Guests are responsible for:
Waking up early, eating a big breakfast and being ready for your guide to take you to your stand. Shoot straight and tell big stories back at camp!
Meat and Trophy Care
After you harvest your deer, moose, or bear your guide will field dress it. You are responsible for the processing costs.
NO handguns are allowed in Canada.
Licenses are available over the counter. Every hunter is required to show a vendor an Outdoors Card effective January 2010, or present an old hunting license from your home state.
Hunter orange
All licensed hunters, including bow hunters, falconers, bear hunters, and trappers who are hunting under their trapping licence during a gun season for deer, elk or moose, are required to wear hunter orange. This requirement does not apply to persons who are hunting migratory game birds, except woodcock.
In addition, all licensed bear hunters hunting during the open season for black bear, that is not a gun season for deer, elk or moose, are required to wear hunter orange except when in a tree stand.
A hunter orange garment and head cover must be worn. The hunter orange garment must cover a minimum of 2,580 square centimetres (400 square inches) above the waist and be visible from all sides. Open mesh or camouflage hunter orange must not be part of the 2,580 square centimetres (400 square inches). A hunting coat or vest generally meets this requirement. The hunter orange head cover may have: open mesh, a peak or brim colour other than hunter orange, and a crest or logo which does not completely cover the hunter orange on the side where it is affixed. The head cover must not contain camouflage material.
Hunters using ground blinds should take steps to make their blind clearly visible to other hunters who may be in the area. Use of hunter orange material on the outside of the blind is an appropriate method to mark a ground blind.
Ontario Whitetail Hunting – Gear List
Here is a list of equipment and clothing you may want to bring along to Border County Outfitters. If you are hunting deer, we can have a wide range of temperatures in the same week so we strongly suggest that you come here prepared.
- Heavy pac boots with spare liners
- Leather hunting boots
- Light and heavy long underwear
- Wind proof and water proof over pants
- Wool pants, under jacket
- Waterproof over jacket
- Weapon of choice and ammo or arrows
- Hunting knife
- Multi-tool
- Flashlight
- Emergency kit that includes first aid and fire starter
- Binoculars
- Toilet kit
- Prescriptions and spare eye glasses
- Warm hat and face mask
- Good camo
- Rattling antlers
- Grunt tube
- Scents
- Pee bottle
- Shooting sticks
- Range finder

I have been fortunate enough to be able to hunt with Border Country for going on 13 years. I started with there Whitetail Hunts and over the past few years I have added in there black bear hunts as well as moose hunts. I find myself now, not only going back as a hunter but also going back to see family every year. Where ever your journey takes you Border Country Outfitters will deliver a fantastic Ontario experience!
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